Vote for Little Fox (and me!)

Vote for Little Fox (and me!)

It’s the first day of Spring today, or so my know-it-all 5yo tells me. But no one told the Michigan weather gods because it’s 25 and snowing right now. I love the snow. I really do, but I’m kind of done with it. I have seeds ready to plant! I have a bike to ride! I have outdoor furniture to sit in!

So, in honor of the Spring that I wish was here, I wrote a short story for a Spring-themed contest. And I’m one of the seven finalists! (Out of 40-something, I think). You can vote for me. (Little Fox’s Springs, entry #6) at this link. Thanks in advance!

6 Comments to “Vote for Little Fox (and me!)”

  1. Fun story! Sweet and memorable…Good luck!

  2. Wendy, I voted for Little Fox- such a sweet story! I still think of your middle grade story that you were working on when we were in our critique group. I loved it! Hope you are working on that story too!

  3. Meredith, Thank you so much! I am most definitely still working on that MG story. I’m finishing up another round of edits now and then plan to send it back out again for some feedback. 🙂

    • If you would like me to take a look at it, I would. It’s funny, I sometimes find myself wondering where your story went and thinking about the different characters. I guess that shows what a great beginning you wrote! Good luck with the feedback!

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